Online GCDseminar / SFB ACD

Herwig Bretis on the "Spirit and Works of ArtEngineering"

Herwig Bretis – Managing Director and proprietor of ArtEngineering GmbH – is going to talk online about “Spirit and Works of ArtEngineering”:
Assisting artists in transforming their intention into a physical reality is our passion. As structural engineers we decided to not only perform detailed design and consultancy but also step into fabrication and installation processes acting as the responsible general contractor – which is a rather untypical role for our profession. However, it turned out so far that being part in many more aspects of a process chain allows us to get way deeper insights into craftsmanship, technology, material, procedures and project needs. In summary, we gain rich experience and knowledge that we immediately feed back into new developments and projects. On the basis of selected projects, the presentation will show our daily juggling of tasks at the interface of art, design and architecture.

Colleagues interested in joining the seminar/lecture please contact:

GCDseminar: Herwig Bretis, 15.03.2023, 11 am