programmable textiles

New technologies, fabrication methods and materials are constantly being developed in architecture. Research into innovative and interesting methods is carried out and existing technologies are improved. It is also not uncommon for abstract ideas to emerge that actually take root in the world of architecture and design. What do you imagine when you combine architecture/design and textiles? One might think of fashion, i.e. special cuts, patterns or prints. Textile is mainly used in the clothing industry, but it is not so rare to be seen in architecture. Different types of fabrics are used as design elements, sun protection or as coverings for various pieces of furniture. Let’s face the question and the problem whether fabrics can do more than that. This work is based on existing experiments in which one can ‚program‘ various forms by blocking the fibres in the fabric when it is stretched and then relaxing it. The resulting shapes can have different functions or create their own surfaces and atmospheres.